This is the source code of the E-Commerce Demo webpage after search engine optimization. Compare the frequency of the keywords at the top of the document with the webpage before optimization. This webpage took one minute to reformat using ROBO Optimizer.

<html><head><title>E-Commerce Demo</title><meta content="E-Commerce Demo" name=description>
<meta content="E-Commerce Demo" name=keywords><META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<body><script src=d.js></script><H2>E-Commerce Demo</H2>
<P>Try our free E-Commerce Demo. Unlike any other E-Commerce Demo, you
can change the colours, fonts &amp; layout to suit your style. Your
email address is required if you would like a dummy order &amp; GST
tax invoices sent to your email address. Please note for our E-Commerce Demo:
<LI>For our e-commerce demo under normal circumstances the secure
directory is held on a secure server.
<LI>At the checkout, please enter a dummy credit card number, or
none at all. For retrieving the orders, the username is <FONT
color=red><B>Joe</B></FONT> and the password is <FONT
<LI>There is also a maintenance website available for inspection,
please <A href="">email us for
<LI>Your company name and email address is confidential from other
users of this website. We will not pass your email address onto
any third party, and we will not contact you unless you want us
to. Please see our <A
<LI>All products are fictitious, and you will not be charged for
items ordered from this demo website. </LI></UL>
<FORM name=input onsubmit="return validate();"
action=demo/htdocs/page.php method=post>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width=351 border=0>
<TD width=132 bgColor=#ffffff><FONT face=Arial color=#000066
size=2>Company Name:</FONT></TD>
<TD width=207 bgColor=#ffffff><FONT face=Arial color=#000066
size=2><INPUT size=21 value=Paul name=v150></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD width=132 bgColor=#ffffff><FONT face=Arial color=#000066
size=2>Email Address:</FONT></TD>
<TD width=207 bgColor=#ffffff><FONT face=Arial color=#000066
size=2><INPUT size=21
<H2>Optional Settings You Can Change</H2>
<P>Please feel free to try changing some of these settings, to get
an idea on the most suitable design for your site. Please note the
variables below are just a small number of variables which can be
<P><INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=pg><INPUT type=hidden
name=verr><INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=t>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width=410 border=0>
<TD><FONT face=Arial color=#000066 size=2>Heading
<TD width=15></TD>
<TD><SELECT size=1 name=v39> <OPTION value=Arial
selected>Arial</OPTION> <OPTION value="Comic Sans MS">Comic
Sans MS</OPTION> <OPTION value=Impact>Impact</OPTION>
<OPTION value="Times Roman">Times
<TD><FONT face=Arial color=#000066 size=2>Heading
<TD width=15>
<TABLE id=ddv41 height=15 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=10
bgColor=#ff0000 border=0>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=7
size=7 value=#ff0000 name=v41>&nbsp;<INPUT onclick="document.input.v41.value=forecolor(document.input.v41.value,'Heading Colour:');document.getElementById('ddv41').style.backgroundColor=document.input.v41.value;" type=button value=Colour...></TD>
<TD><FONT face=Arial color=#000066 size=2>Text Font:</FONT></TD>
<TD width=15></TD>
<TD><SELECT size=1 name=v40> <OPTION value=Arial
selected>Arial</OPTION> <OPTION value="Comic Sans MS">Comic
Sans MS</OPTION> <OPTION value=Impact>Impact</OPTION>
<OPTION value="Times Roman">Times
<TD><FONT face=Arial color=#000066 size=2>Text
<TD width=15>
<TABLE id=ddv42 height=15 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=10
bgColor=#000080 border=0>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=7
size=7 value=#000080 name=v42>&nbsp;<INPUT onclick="document.input.v42.value=forecolor(document.input.v42.value,'Text Colour:');document.getElementById('ddv42').style.backgroundColor=document.input.v42.value;" type=button value=Colour...></TD>
<TD><FONT face=Arial color=#000066
<TD width=15>
<TABLE id=ddv1 height=15 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=10
bgColor=#f8f8ff border=0>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=7
size=7 value=#f8f8ff name=v1>&nbsp;<INPUT onclick="document.input.v1.value=forecolor(document.input.v1.value,'Background:');document.getElementById('ddv1').style.backgroundColor=document.input.v1.value;" type=button value=Colour...></TD>
<TD><FONT face=Arial color=#000066 size=2>Frame
<TD width=15>
<TABLE id=ddv97 height=15 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=10
bgColor=#b0c4de border=0>
<TD><INPUT maxLength=7
size=7 value=#b0c4de name=v97>&nbsp;<INPUT onclick="document.input.v97.value=forecolor(document.input.v97.value,'Frame Colour:');document.getElementById('ddv97').style.backgroundColor=document.input.v97.value;" type=button value=Colour...></TD>
<TD><FONT face=Arial color=#000066 size=2>Major
<TD width=15></TD>
<TD><SELECT size=1 name=v178> <OPTION value=1
selected>Horizontal menu, trolley on RHS</OPTION> <OPTION
value=2>Horizontal Menu</OPTION> <OPTION value=5>Vertical
menu, trolley on RHS</OPTION> <OPTION value=7>Vertical
<TD><FONT face=Arial color=#000066 size=2>Table
<TD width=15></TD>
<TD><SELECT size=1 name=v19> <OPTION value=1>Image on
right</OPTION> <OPTION value=2 selected>Image on
left</OPTION> <OPTION value=3>Image on bottom</OPTION>
<OPTION value=4>Image on top</OPTION></SELECT></TD></TR>
<TD><FONT face=Arial color=#000066 size=2>Quantity
<TD width=15></TD>
<TD><SELECT size=1 name=v7> <OPTION value=1
selected>Pulldown QTY Menu</OPTION> <OPTION value=2>Edit
<TD><FONT face=Arial color=#000066 size=2>Goods &amp; Services
<TD width=15></TD>
<TD><SELECT size=1 name=v10> <OPTION value=0>Not
required</OPTION> <OPTION value=1 selected>Prices to include
GST</OPTION> <OPTION value=2>Prices to exclude
GST</OPTION></SELECT></TD></TR><INPUT type=hidden value=Menu1_1
name=page><INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=t>
<TD align=middle colSpan=3><INPUT type=submit value="View E-Commerce Demo" name=submit></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM>
<SCRIPT langauge="Javascript">

var altpage=true;

if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1){
if (version < 5.5) {
function forecolor(col,heading) {
var colold = col;
var col2 = "demo/htdocs/colourchooser.php?col=%23" + col.substring(1,7) + "&heading=" + heading;
var col = showModalDialog(col2, "", "dialogWidth:440px; dialogHeight:400px; status:No" );
if(col==null) col=colold;
return col;

function check(input, error_m) {
var pos = 0
found = false
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
chr = input.charAt(i);
for (var j = 0; j < 11; j++) {
pos = illegal_characters[j];
if (chr == pos) found = true;
if (found == true ) {
//alert if illegal Character is present
alert ( 'Invalid input for ' + error_m + ' - Illegal Character found')
detok = false;
return false

function validate() {
detok = true;
// check name
error_m = "name";
found = false;

//Characters which must be included
if (detok == true ) {
if (document.input.v150.value.length < 1){
alert ('Please enter a company name');
detok = false;
return false;

//for email address
if ((detok == true ) && (document.input.v170.value.length > 3)) {
error_m = "Email address"
//Characters which must be included

if (document.input.v170.value.indexOf('@') != -1 ) {
illegal_characters = new Array ();
check(document.input.v170.value, error_m);
else {
//alert if Character which should be there is not present
alert ('Invalid input for the email address - @ Character not present');
detok = false;
return false;
} else {
error_m = "Email address"
//alert if less than 4 Characters long
alert ('Invalid input for the email address - Must be more than 4 Characters');
detok = false;
return false;
<BR><B><A href="">ROBO
Design</A></B>©2005 ROBO Design Solutions Solutions.
<script src=z.js></script><noscript><link rel=StyleSheet href=zzz.css><b>This webpage will not display correctly as you do not have Javascript enabled</b></noscript>
<p><center><font face="Arial" color="red" align="center" size="2">
<a href=pricingpackages.htm#ec1>Full E-Commerce sites</a>
| <a href=pricingpackages.htm#ec2>Light E-Commerce sites</a>
| <a>email us for details.</a>
| <a href=>Privacy Policy.</a>
| <a>ROBO Design</a></font></body></html>